Viewing: Complete Meeting


Brawley City Council &
Successor Agency to Brawley
Community Redevelopment Agency
Regular Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, January 21, 2020 6:00 PM
City Council Chambers
383 Main Street
Brawley, California 92227

Norma Kastner-Jauregui, Mayor                                        Alma Benavides, City Clerk
Luke Hamby, Mayor Pro-Tempore                        William S. Smerdon, City
Sam Couchman, Council Member                            Attorney/City Treasurer
George A. Nava, Council Member        Rosanna Bayon Moore, City Manager/
Donald L. Wharton, Council Member                                                  Executive Director






2.    PUBLIC APPEARANCES/COMMENTS (Not to exceed 4 minutes) this is the     time for the public to address the Council on any item not appearing on the     agenda that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council. The     Mayor will recognize you and when you come to the microphone, please state     your name for the record. You are not allowed to make personal attacks on     individuals or make comments which are slanderous or which may invade an     individual’s personal privacy. Please direct your questions and comments to
    the City Council.

a.    Introduction of Newly Appointed Imperial Valley Housing Authority Executive     Director Kirk Mann by Robert Palacio, Imperial Housing Authority Board     Chairman.

b.    Introduction of Newly Promoted Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator II Truman Rogers by Public Works Director Guillermo Sillas, PE.

c.    Introduction of Newly Hired Communications Dispatcher Shannon Walters by Police Chief Robert Sawyer.

3.    CONSENT AGENDA Items are approved by one motion. Council Members or     members of the public may request consent items be considered separately at a     time determined by the Mayor.    

a.    Approve Accounts Payable:    January 3, 2020  Pgs 5-15
                        January 10, 2020  Pgs 16-29
                         January 16, 2020  Pgs 30-36

b.    Approve City Council Minutes:    January 7, 2020  Pgs 37-43


a.    Discussion and Potential Action to Approve Resolution No. 2020-  : Resolution of the City Council of the City of Brawley, California Authorizing the City to Apply for an Award of $3.5M from the State of California Housing and Community Development Infill Infrastructure Program (IIP) Associated with La Serenita Apartments at Adams Park.  Pgs 44-46

b.    Discussion and Potential Action to Approve Personnel Policy 153-17 Drug Free Workplace Policy and Adopt Resolution No. 2020- : Resolution of the City Council of the City of Brawley, California re: the City of Brawley Drug Free Workplace Policy.  Pgs 47-60

c.    Discussion and Potential Action to Approve Personnel Policy 153-18 Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy for All Employees Covered by DOT-FMCSA and Adopt Resolution No. 2020- : Resolution of the City Council of the City of Brawley, California re: the Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy for All Employees Covered by DOT-FMCSA.  Pgs 61-66

d.    Discussion and Potential Action Adopt Resolution No. 2020- :  Resolution of the City Council of the City of Brawley, California Acting in Its Capacity as the Successor Agency for the Brawley Community Redevelopment Agency, Approving the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for the period of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 and Approving Certain Related Actions.  Pgs 67-74

e.    Discussion and Potential Action re: Letter to Oppose SB 50 (Wiener) Planning and Zoning, Housing Development Incentives.  Pgs 75-84

f.    Discussion and Potential Action to Accept Annual and Five-Year Reports for Use of City of Brawley Development Impact Fees, Water and Sewer Capacity Fees  in Fiscal Years 2016-2017 through 2018-2019.  Pgs 85-133


a.    Update by Public Works Director Guillermo Sillas, PE

i)    Emergency Construction at the Brawley Water Treatment Plant 1) to Replace Components of Two Sedimentation Basins and 2) to Recondition Water Distribution Pumps and Motors 422 and 423

b.    Update by Interim Parks & Recreation Director Marjo Mello re: 2020 Recreation Leagues







a.    Conference with Real Property Negotiator – (California Government Code §54956.8)
Address: 948 Ken Bemis Drive, Brawley, California
              Negotiator: City Manager
              Negotiating Parties: Brawley Hangar Co. LLC
              Under Negotiation: Rate and Terms
b.    Conference with Real Property Negotiator – (California Government Code §54956.8)
Address: 225 A Street, Brawley, California
              Negotiator: City Manager
              Negotiating Parties:  Boys & Girls Club
              Under Negotiation: Rate and Terms

POTENTIAL LITIGATION (California Government Code §54956.9)

a.    Conference with Legal Counsel – Two (2) Cases

EXISTING LITIGATION (California Government Code §54956.9)

a.    Conference with Legal Counsel – Two (2) Cases

i.    Frankie Rodriguez, Pablo C. Lopez, Marco A. Garcia, Omar     Balderas, Gerardo Vindiola, David Villalobos, Julian Jimenez,     Ricardo Rosales, Daniel Atondo, David Siquieroz, Jonathan     Gutierrez, Anthony Padilla, Julio Velasquez, Roberto Orozco,     Mariano C. Valenzuela, Jr., Raul Bernal, Ralph Walker, Jose Limon     and Pete Guzman, on behalf of themselves and all other     employees similarly situated vs. City of Brawley.
ii.    Brawley Public Safety Employee Association, Jeremy Schaffer,     David Holetz, Jorge Garibay, Darlene Garcia, Dennise Montano,     Nathan Montes-Gonzalez, Karla Razo, Daniel Swithenbank, Daniel     Schleyer, Ricardo Gutierrez, Juan Morales, Ana Amaya, Brian     Harsany, Angelica Garcia, Martha Garcia, Javier Martinez, Jake     Yuhas, Dean Beckwith, Ricardo Valdez, David Pham, Stephen     James Dyroff, Adriana Ruiz, Jon Dellinger, Isaac Romo, Jesse     Yuhas, Susanne Nickel, Rudy H. Nunez, Diana Diaz, Sixto Moreno,     Joon Kim, Francisco Mendoza, Maghen Caudill, Regina Kim vs.     City of Brawley.


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