CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL INVOCATION Pastor Troy Doudy, Assembly of God PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 2. PUBLIC APPEARANCES/COMMENTS (Not to exceed 4 minutes) this is the time for the public to address the Council on any item not appearing on the agenda that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council. The Mayor will recognize you and when you come to the microphone, please state your name for the record. You are not allowed to make personal attacks on individuals or make comments which are slanderous or which may invade an individual’s personal privacy. Please direct your questions and comments to the City Council. 3. CONSENT AGENDA Items are approved by one motion. Council Members or members of the public may request consent items be considered separately at a time determined by the Mayor. a. Approve Accounts Payable: October 13, 2016 Pg 5-20 October 20, 2016 Pg 21-37 b. Authorize Change Order No. 1 to Contract 2016-11, 1st Street Pedestrian Improvements in the Amount of $11,451.70 to Masters Construction Pgs 38-40 4. PUBLIC HEARING a. Use of Program Income Funds to Supplement CDBG Grant #13-CDBG- 8954 1. Conduct Public Hearing Pgs 41-42 2. Adopt Resolution No. 2016- : Resolution of the City Council of the City of Brawley, California Authorizing Use of Program Income to Supplement CDBG Grant (13-CDBG- 8954) for the Purchase of Fire Apparatus Pg 43 5. REGULAR BUSINESS a. Presentation by BOK Securities, Discussion and Staff Direction regarding Refinancing Opportunities for the CalPERS Side Fund Pg 44-49 b. Discussion and Potential Action to Approve the Emergency Medical Services Memorandum of Understanding with Imperial County EMS Agency to Provide Advance Life Support in the City of Brawley Pgs 50-60 c. Discussion and Potential Action to Approve a Professional Engineering Services Agreement with AE Consulting, Inc. in the Amount of $156,343 to Design Airfield Lighting Rehabilitation Project at the Brawley Municipal Airport Pgs 61-82 d. Discussion and Potential Action to Adopt 2 nd Reading of Ordinance No. 2016- : Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Brawley, California Prohibiting Wasteful Use of Water, Establishing Restriction on Water Use and Meeting Conservation Standards Pgs 83-85 e. Discussion and Potential Action to Authorize Contract Change Order No. 1 to Contract 2015-01: Alyce Gereaux Park Renovation in the Amount of $98,194.45 to Silverstrand Construction Pgs 86-94 f. Discussion and Staff Direction regarding Imperial Regional Alliance’s Request to Support Small Business Development Center Initiative Pg 95 6. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS a. Monthly Staff Report for November, 2016 – Shirley Bonillas, Personnel & Risk Management Administrator Pg 96 7. CITY TREASURER’S REPORT a. Investment Activity Report as of September 30, 2016 Pgs 97-98 8. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER REPORTS 9. CITY MANAGER’S REPORT 10. CITY ATTORNEY’S REPORT 11. CITY CLERK’S REPORT 12. CLOSED SESSION |
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