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Brawley City Council &
Successor Agency to Brawley
Community Redevelopment Agency
Regular Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, December 15, 2020 6:00 PM
City Council Chambers
383 Main Street
Brawley, California 92227

This meeting will be broadcast live at

Luke Hamby, Mayor                                                       Alma Benavides, City Clerk
Sam Couchman, Mayor Pro-Tempore                        William S. Smerdon, City
George A. Nava, Council Member                            Attorney/City Treasurer
Ramon Castro, Council Member                                           Tyler Salcido, City Manager/
Donald L. Wharton, Council Member                                                  Executive Director                                              






2.    PUBLIC APPEARANCES/COMMENTS (Not to exceed 4 minutes.) This is the     time for the public to address the Council on any item not appearing on the     agenda that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council.
To maintain social distancing, physical presence is strongly discouraged.  Alternative methods of participation are encouraged and should a member of the public wish to provide public comments, please submit written comments via email to or contact the City Clerk’s Office at 760/351.3080.  The deadline to submit comments is 2PM on December 15, 2020.  

State of California Governor Gavin Newsom waived specific portions of the Brown Act by Executive Order for the period that social distancing measures are recommended and required by state and local public health officials. The waiver of Brown Act provisions requires:

a.    Members of the public are allowed to observe and address public meetings telephonically or through other electronic means.

b.    Procedures “swiftly” accommodate any reasonable request to accommodate access by disabled individuals to meetings that are accessible telephonically or through other electronic means in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”).

c.    Notice of the procedure is provided for making requests for such reasonable accommodation with the notice for any public meeting.

3.    CONSENT AGENDA Items are approved by one motion. Council Members or     members of the public may request consent items be considered separately at a     time determined by the Mayor.    

a.    Approve Accounts Payable:    December 2, 2020  Pgs 5-17  
                        December 10, 2020  Pgs 18-30
b.    Approve City Council Minutes:      December 1, 2020  Pgs 31-33
                        December 8, 2020  Pgs 34-36

c.    Reject Claim as Recommended by Carl Warren & Company, Claims Management Adjusters for Claimant: Maria Solis. Pg 37

   d.    Approval of the shared cost to participate in the Joint Watershed Sanitary Survey         (JWSS).  Pgs 38-39


a.    Conduct Public Hearing for a Conditional Use Permit for Medical Services/Substance Abuse Treatment Counseling Center – 525 Main Street. The property is legally decribed as Lots 13 & 14, Block 71,Townsite of     Brawley, City of Brawley, County of Imperial, State of California, APN 047-342-014.  Pgs 40-53  

a.    Update on City of Brawley Declaration of Local Emergency as a Result of COVID-19 Pandemic

Update by Larry Lewis, CEO for Pioneer’s Memorial Healthcare District

Overall Outlook Presented by Fire Chief Mike York

b.    Discussion and Potential Action to Review and Accept the Audited Financial Statements for the City of Brawley for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2020, Prepared by Moss, Levy & Hartzheim LLP.  Pgs 54-155

c.    Discussion and Potential Action to Authorize Contract Change Order No. 1 to     Contract #2019-07 Allen Street Water Pipeline Replacement and     Improvements Project for the additional Potholing Investigations, Cross Gutter     Installation, and Storm Drain Changes in the amount of $79,515.96.  
    Pgs 156-160

d.    Discussion and Potential Action to Authorize the Preparation of the Update to the     City’s Urban Water Management Plan by Lee & Ro in the amount not to exceed     $36,625.00.  Pgs 161-169

e.    Discussion and Potential Action to Adopt City of Brawley COVID-19     Prevention Program (CPP).  Pgs 170-189

f.    Discussion and Potential Action to Adopt Proposed Sidewalk and Alley     Ordinance.  Pgs 190-197

g.    Discussion and Potential Action on Potential Regulation of Food Vendors Operating in City Parks.  Pgs 198-224


a.    Notification of Allied Waste Solid Waste Rate Adjustment per Franchise     Agreement with an Effective Date of January 1, 2021. Pgs 225-226


a.    Update on Emergency Construction Project at the Brawley Water Treatment Plant to Replace Components of Two Sedimentation Basins Presented by Public Works Director Guillermo Sillas, PE.

b.    Update on Emergency Construction Project at the Brawley Water Treatment Plant to do the Distribution Pumps Electrical Separation of Old Electrical System from the New One.





PERSONNEL MATTERS (California Government Code §54957)

a.    Public Employee Appointment to the Position of Director of Community &         Economic Development.

b.    Public Employee Appointment to the Position of Police Chief.

CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOIATORS (California Government Code §54956.8)

Property: Brawley Municipal Airport, 948 Ken Bemis Drive
Agency Negotiator: City Manager
Negotiating Parties: Michael Sass
Under Negotiation: Rate and Terms


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