Viewing: f. Discussion and potential action to approve budget adjustments; the replacement of a failed air conditioning unit, near end of life units, a new unit; reject bids for Project No. 2021-04A purchase and installation of 11 air conditioning units for variou


Have a Great & Safe Summer!!
Brawley City Council &
Successor Agency to Brawley Community Redevelopment Agency
Regular Meeting Agenda
July 20, 2021 6:00 PM
City Council Chambers 383 Main Street
Brawley, California 92227
This meeting will be broadcast live at

INVOCATION    Pastor Mike Necuik, El Redentor Church

2. PUBLIC APPEARANCES/COMMENTS (Not to exceed 4 minutes.) This is the time for the public to address the Council on any item not appearing on the agenda that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council. The Mayor will recognize you and when you come to the microphone, please state your name for the record. You are not allowed to make personal attacks on individuals or make comments which are slanderous or which may invade an individual's personal privacy. Please direct your questions and comments to the City Council.
To maintain social distancing, physical presence is strongly discouraged. Alternative methods of participation are encouraged and should a member of the public wish to provide public comments, please submit written comments via email to abenavides@brawlev-ca.qov or contact the City Clerk's Office at 760/351.3080. The deadline to submit comments is 2PM on July 20, 2021.
State of California Governor Gavin Newsom waived specific portions of the Brown Act by Executive Order for the period that social distancing measures are recommended and required by state and local public health officials. The waiver of Brown Act provisions requires:
Members of the public are allowed to observe and address public meetings telephonically or through other electronic means.
Procedures "swiftly" accommodate any reasonable request to accommodate access by disabled individuals to meetings that are accessible telephonically or through other electronic means in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA").
Notice of the procedure is provided for making requests for such reasonable accommodation with the notice for any public meeting.
3. CONSENT AGENDA Items are approved by one motion. Council Members or members of the public may request consent items be considered separately at a time determined by the Mayor.
Approve City Council Minutes:    July 6, 2021 Pgs 5-10
Approve Accounts Payable: June 26, 2021 thru July 9, 2021 Pgs 11-25
Approve Final Parcel Map (PM 20-03, Parcel Map Portion of Lot 2, Brawley
Subdivision No. 1, According to Map No. 56) Pgs 26-40
a. Conduct Public Hearing and Adopt Resolution No. 2021- : Resolution of the City Council of the City of Brawley, California Acting as the Legislative Body of
Community Facilities District No. 2005-3 of the City of Brawley (La Paloma),
Approving Permanent Termination of the Levy of the Facilities Special Tax Therein presented by William Smerdon, City Attorney. Pgs 4145
a. Update on City of Brawley Declaration of Local Emergency as a Result of COVID19 Pandemic
Overall Outlook presented by Mike York, Fire Chief
    ii.    Discussion and Potential Action to Extend Resolution No. 2021-19:
Resolution of the City Council of the City of Brawley, California
Proclaiming the Existence of an Ongoing Local Emergency for
COVID-19 presented by Mike York, Fire Chief. Pgs 46-48
b,    Discussion and Potential Action to Approve Best S.T.E.P Forward's Request for
Cattle Call Park Closure and Waiver of the $500.00 Closure Fee for a Soap Box Derby Event presented by Rachel Fonseca, Parks and Recreation Manager
Pgs 49-51
Discussion and Potential Action to Adjust the Budget and Adopt Resolution No. 2021- : Resolution of the City Council of the City of Brawley, California Authorizing Acceptance of an Allocation of Funds and Execution of a Grant Agreement, amendments, and other documentation with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for Airport Improvement Program (AIP) Grant No. 3-06-0028021-2021 , Airport Coronavirus Response Grant Erogram (ACRGP) Grant Offer at the Brawley Municipal Airport and authorizing the City Manager to execute all documents in relation to this project presented by Guillermo Sillas, Public Works Director. Pgs 52-78
Discussion and Potential Action to Authorize the City Manager to execute the contract extension for Industrial Pretreatment Program Support Services for address changes associated with the Regional Water Quality Controt Board (RWQCB) review of the local limits update, changes to the City's Sewer use ordinance, renewed permitting of the current three (3) Significant Industrial Users, and replacement of the current Bachtel Wastewater Engineering team with a new Industrial Pretreatment consultant team for long term support of the City's pretreatment program in an amount not to exceed $64,300 to Bachtel Wastewater Engineering presented by Guillermo Sillas, Public Works Director. Pgs 79-88
Discussion and Potential Action to Approve of Amendment No. 1 to MYLO Janitorial, Inc. for continued janitorial services through March 30, 2022, and a monthly increase of $663.40 from $7,742.60 to $8,406.00 presented by Guillermo Sillas, Public Works Director. Pgs 89-93
Discussion and potential action to approve budget adjustments; the replacement of a failed air conditioning unit, near end of life units, a new unit; reject bids for Project No. 2021-04A purchase and installation of 11 air conditioning units for various city buildings; and approve proposals of $7,000.00 and $73,750.00 from R & K Air Conditioning presented by Guillermo Sillas, Public Works Director and Tony Godinez, Assistant Finance Director. Pgs 94-135
Discussion and Potential Action to Adjust the Library Budget, accept grant funds, and approve a Grant Agreement for the City of Brawley Public Library to participate in the Imperial County Children and Families First Commission Program for fiscal year 2021/22 presented by Deciderio Rodriguez, Library Manager. Pgs 136-158
Discussion and Potential Action for Approval of Assignment Agreement re: La Paloma Unit 1 presented by William Smerdon, City Attorney. Pgs 159-180
Discussion and Potential Action to Approve Requests from La Paloma Development, LLC and Jupiter Ventures Ill, L.P. deferring the payment of
Development Impact, Water and Sewer Capacity Fees until the Issuance of
Certificate of Occupancy presented by William Smerdon, City Attorney. Pgs 181
CLOSED SESSION (California Government Code § 54967)
a.    Public Employee position of Finance Director/City Treasurer

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