Viewing: d. Discuss and approve the three-year agreement to purchase web-based applicant tracking software to modernize and enhance the City's recruitment process. Presented by Shirley Bonillas, Human Resources Administrator. (


Brawley City Council &
Successor Agency to Brawley
Community Redevelopment Agency
Regular Meeting Agenda
December 05, 2023 at 6:00 PM
City Council Chambers
383 Main Street
Brawley, California 92227
This meeting will be broadcast live at
George A. Nava, Mayor William Smerdon, Deputy City Clerk
Ramon Castro, Mayor Pro-Tempore William Smerdon, Acting City Treasurer
Donald L. Wharton, Council Member William S. Smerdon, City Attorney
Gil Rebollar, Council Member Tyler Salcido, City Manager/
Luke Hamby, Council Member Executive Director
2. PUBLIC APPEARANCES/COMMENTS (Not to exceed 4 minutes.)
This is the time for the public to address the Council on any item not appearing
on the agenda that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council. The
Mayor will recognize you and when you come to the microphone, please state your
name for the record. You are not allowed to make personal attacks on individuals
or make comments which are slanderous, or which may invade an individual’s
personal privacy. Please direct your questions and comments to the City Council.
Any member of the public is invited to submit public comments in advance of the
meeting to be read at the meeting. Please email your questions to jramos@brawleyca.
gov or call 760-351-3048 any time before 2:00 PM, December 05, 2023.
a. Public Comments for Items not on the Agenda
b. Presentation of the 3rd annual City of Brawley Santa Tour, December 18-22, 2023.
Presented by Fire Chief Mike York.
c. Presentation of Proclamation by the City of Brawley to recognize A&R Construction
for 35 years in operation. Presented by George A Nava, Mayor.
Items are approved by one motion. Council Members or members of the public may
request consent items be considered separately at a time determined by the Mayor.
a. Approve City Council Minutes: November 7, 2023
(1 Attachment)
b. Approve Accounts Payable: October 28, 2023 to November 24, 2023.
(3 Attachments)
c. Receive and file the First Quarter Fiscal Year 2023/24 Treasury Report for Quarter
Ended September 30, 2023.
(2 Attachments)
d. Approve Various Vehicles as Surplus Property as established by the 2022 City’s
Surplus Policy.
(2 Attachments)
a. Discuss and approve the American Rescue Plan Act Spending Plan and budget as
modified and direct staff to continue providing progressive updates every six months
until all funds are spent. Presented by Silvia Luna, Acting Finance Director.
(2 attachments)
b. Discuss and approve a 4% consumer price index (CPI) rate increase effective
January 1, 2024 to current refuse services provided by Republic Services for
commercial and residential customers in the City of Brawley. Presented by Silvia
Luna, Acting Finance Director.
(3 Attachments)
c. Discuss and approve the Chamber of Commerce for Greater Brawley's request to
close Main Street for their Santa's Local Workshop on Friday, December 15, 2023,
from 12:00 pm to 9:00 pm, and waive all fees associated with the event. Presented
by Rachel Fonseca, Parks and Recreation Manager.
(2 Attachments)
d. Discuss and approve the three-year agreement to purchase web-based applicant
tracking software to modernize and enhance the City's recruitment process.
Presented by Shirley Bonillas, Human Resources Administrator.
(7 Attachments)
e. Discuss and approve the acceptance by resolution of $10,875.00 from the 2023
Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) and authorize the City
Manager or designee to execute all grant-related documents. Presented by Jimmy
Duran, Chief of Police.
(4 Attachments)
f. Discuss and approve the sole source award of Lions Center Pool Heater repair to
Knorr Systems for $44,980.66, authorize a 15% contingency for $6,747.09, and
authorize the City Manager to execute all documentation associated with the repairs.
Presented by Rachel Fonseca, Parks and Recreation Manager.
(2 attachments)
g. Discuss and approve Resolution 2023_ and Ordinance 2023_ (first Reading) to
authorize installation of traffic safety features on Main Street and 18th, Cattle Call
Park and K Street from Eastern to 18th. Presented by Rom Medina, Director of Public
Works and Operations.
(5 Attachments)
h. Discuss and approve Contract Change Order No. 1 to Contract No. 2020-05, K
Street Improvements Project from Highway 86 to 8thStreet, for $5,485.60, and
authorize the City Manager to execute all documentation concerning this project.
Presented by Rom Medina, Director of Public Works and Operations.
(2 Attachments)
i. Discuss and approve contract award and agreement with Dynamic Consulting
Engineers for Professional Services Agreement to design improvement plans and
specifications for sidewalks, ADA ramps, streetlights, and striping for the Ocotillo
Improvements Grant Project in an amount not to exceed $52,750. Presented by
Rom Medina, Director of Public Works and Operations.
(4 Attachments)
j. Pass and adopt City of Brawley Resolution 2023_ to allow City Manager or designee
to apply for grants through the Cal Recycle / Grant Payments Programs. This update
resolution will allow City Manager to designate either a city employee or Imperial
Valley Resource Management Agency (IVRMA) to apply for the grants. Presented by
Steven Mireles, Senior Environmental Compliance Officer.
(2 attachments)
a. Monthly Staff Report for December 2023, Provided by Shirley Bonillas, Personnel &
Risk Management Administrator.
(1 Attachment)
b. City of Brawley Work Weeks and Holidays Calendar. Provided by Shirley Bonillas,
Personnel & Risk Management Administrator.
(1 Attachment)
a. EXISTING LITIGATION (C.G.C. Section §54956.9)
Conference with Legal Counsel— One (1) Case
Name of Case: Vertical Bridge Development, LLC vs. City of Brawley

Inform. Involve. Engage. For Information Click Here