Amended Agenda
Brawley City Council & Successor Agency to Brawley Community Redevelopment Agency Agenda
Regular Meeting Tuesday, May 6, 2014 @ 6:00 PM
City Council Chambers
383 Main Street
Brawley, California 92227
Don Campbell, Mayor Alma Benavides, City Clerk George A. Nava, Mayor Pro-Tempore Jim Hamilton, City Treasurer Donald L. Wharton, Council Member Dennis H. Morita, City Attorney Sam Couchman, Council Member Rosanna Bayon Moore, City Manager/ Helen M. Noriega, Council Member Executive Director CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL
INVOCATION Pastor Ted Koroluk, Western Avenue Baptist Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA
2. PUBLIC APPEARANCES/COMMENTS(Not to exceed 4 minutes) this is the time for the public to address the Council on any item not appearing on the agenda that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council. The Mayor will recognize you and when you come to the microphone, please state your name for the record. You are not allowed to make personal attacks on individuals or make comments which are slanderous or which may invade an individual’s personal privacy. Please direct your questions and comments to the City Council. a. Proclamation Declaring May 2014 as Veteran’s Appreciation Month Presented to Richard Partridge. Pp 4 b. Introduction of Brawley Firefighter – Thomas SanRoman
3. CONSENT AGENDAItems are approved by one motion. Council Members or members of the public may request consent items be considered separately at a time determined by the Mayor. a. Approve Accounts Payable: April 17, 2014 Pp 5-24 April 18, 2014 Pp 25 April 24, 2014 Pp 26-37 b. Approve Minutes: April 15, 2014 Pp 38-42 c. Reject Claims as recommended by Carl Warren & Company Claims Management Adjusters for Claimants: Lucca Aguilera and Jorge Ruiz. d. Adopt Resolution No. 2014- : Resolution of the City Council of the City of Brawley Approving the Application for Bicycle and/or Pedestrian Funds Under the Transportation Development Act and Approving the Adoption of its Bicycle and/ or Pedestrian Plan. Pp 43-44 e. Adopt Resolution No. 2014- : Resolution of the City Council of the City of Brawley Approving the Article 8c Application For Dial-A-Ride Transit Purposes Under the Transportation Development Act (SB 325), PUC 99400. Pp 45-46 f. Adopt Resolution No. 2014- : Resolution of the City Council of the City of Brawley Approving the Article 8e Application for Bus Benches/Shelters Purposes Under the Transportation Development Act (SB 325), PUC 99400. Pp 47-48 g. Adopt Resolution No. 2014- : Resolution of the City Council of the City of Brawley Approving the Article 8e Application for Brawley Bus Transfer Terminal Purposes Under the Transportation Development Act (SB 325), PUC 99400. Pp 49-50 h. Adopt Resolution No. 2014- : Resolution of the City Council of the City of Brawley Ordering the Annexation of Uninhabited Territory to the City of Brawley, Brawley Annexation BR1-08 Rancho Porter. Pp 51-60 4. REGULAR BUSINESS a. Presentation by Rosemarie Wood, Executive Director of North County Coalition of Arts and Jay Kruger, Director of Digital and Visual Arts, re: The Establishment of an Arts District in Downtown Brawley. b. Discussion and Potential Direction re: Allied Waste / Republic Services Letter of Recommendation. c. Review and Potential Action regarding City Council Meeting Date Change from May 20, 2014 to May 27, 2014. d. Review and Acknowledgement of Employee Travel Exceeding 500 Miles. Pp 61 e. Discussion and Direction re: 2014/2015 Budget Workshops. 5. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS
a. Monthly Staffing Report for May 2014 - Shirley Bonillas, Personnel & Risk Administrator. Pp 62 6. INFORMATIONAL REPORTS
a. Monthly Building Report for April 2014 – Francisco Soto, Building Official Pp 63 7. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER REPORTS
ADJOURNMENT Adjourned Regular Meeting to May 27, 2014 @ 6:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 383 Main Street, Brawley, California. Supporting Documents are available for public review in the Office of the City Clerk, 383 Main Street, Brawley, California 92227 - Monday through Friday during Regular Business Hours; Individuals who require special accommodations are requested to give 48 hours prior notice. Contact: Office of the City Clerk @ 760-351-3080. Alma Benavides, City Clerk |
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