Viewing: c. Discussion and Potential Action to Approve Amended Fiscal Year 2021/2022 Budget Calendar presented by Karla Romero, Interim Finance Director.


Brawley City Council &
Successor Agency to Brawley
Community Redevelopment Agency
Regular Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, March 2, 2021 6:00 PM
City Council Chambers
383 Main Street
Brawley, California 92227

This meeting will be broadcast live at

Luke Hamby, Mayor                                                       Alma Benavides, City Clerk
Sam Couchman, Mayor Pro-Tempore                        William S. Smerdon, City
George A. Nava, Council Member                            Attorney/City Treasurer
Ramon Castro, Council Member                                           Tyler Salcido, City Manager/
Donald L. Wharton, Council Member                                                  Executive Director                                              



INVOCATION  Pastor Ekkie Tepsupornchai, Western Avenue Baptist Church



2.    PUBLIC APPEARANCES/COMMENTS (Not to exceed 4 minutes.) This is the     time for the public to address the Council on any item not appearing on the     agenda that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council.
To maintain social distancing, physical presence is strongly discouraged.  Alternative methods of participation are encouraged and should a member of the public wish to provide public comments, please submit written comments via email to or contact the City Clerk’s Office at 760/351.3080.  The deadline to submit comments is 2PM on March 2, 2021.  

State of California Governor Gavin Newsom waived specific portions of the Brown Act by Executive Order for the period that social distancing measures are recommended and required by state and local public health officials. The waiver of Brown Act provisions requires:

a.    Members of the public are allowed to observe and address public meetings telephonically or through other electronic means.

b.    Procedures “swiftly” accommodate any reasonable request to accommodate access by disabled individuals to meetings that are accessible telephonically or through other electronic means in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”).

c.    Notice of the procedure is provided for making requests for such reasonable accommodation with the notice for any public meeting.

d.    Introduction of Karla Romero, Interim Finance Director and Rachel Fonseca, Parks & Recreation Manager by Tyler Salcido, City Manager.

3.    CONSENT AGENDA Items are approved by one motion. Council Members or     members of the public may request consent items be considered separately at a     time determined by the Mayor.

a.    Approve Accounts Payable:    February 17, 2021  Pgs 5-15
                        February 26, 2021  Pgs 16-33    

b.    Approve City Council Minutes:    February 16, 2021  Pgs 34-36  

c.    Adoption and 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 2021-04: Ordinance of the City Council     of the City of Brawley, California, Adopting Rules and Regulations for Sidewalk     Vendors that Choose to do Business in City Parks.  Pgs 37-44

d.    Approve Agreement for Consulting Services between the City of Brawley and     Castañeda & Associates in the amount not to exceed $42,500.  Pgs 45-50
a.    Discussion and Potential Action to Approve the Proposal from Urban3 to Conduct  an Economic Analysis for the City of Brawley presented by Tyler Salcido, City Manager.  Pgs 51-64

b.    Update on City of Brawley Declaration of Local Emergency as a Result of COVID-19 Pandemic

i.    Overall Outlook presented by Mike York, Fire Chief

c.    Discussion and Potential Action to Approve Amended Fiscal Year 2021/2022 Budget Calendar presented by Karla Romero, Interim Finance Director.  
    Pgs 65-70  

d.    Discussion and Potential Action to Approve Resolution No. 2021-  : Resolution of the City Council of the City of Brawley, California Approving the Application for Statewide Park Development and Community Revitalization Program Grant Funds (Proposition 68) presented by Rachel Fonseca, Parks & Recreation Manager.  Pgs 71-74

e.    Approve Amendment No. 3 to the Professional Services Agreement with LC Engineering Consultants to Provide Services to Conduct As-Built Survey and Design of Crossing Improvements of Existing Underground Best Canal and New Water Line within the Wildcat Drive and Western Avenue Intersection in the amount of $4,130.00 and total contract not to exceed value of $27,530 presented by Guillermo Sillas, PE, Public Works Director.  Pgs 75-78

f.    Discussion and Potential Action to Approve the Replacement of the Spillman Records Management System with Pro Phoenix presented by Jimmy Duran, Police Chief.  Pgs 79-82


a.    Update on Informational Technologies Activities, presented by Armando Garibay,     Information Systems Manager.

b.    Monthly Staffing Report for March 2021, prepared by Shirley Bonillas, Personnel     & Risk Management Administrator.  Pg 83  

c.    Update on Emergency Construction Project at the Brawley Water Treatment Plant to Replace Components of Two Sedimentation Basins presented by Guillermo Sillas, PE, Public Works Director.






Joint Powers Insurance Authority (JPIA) for Insurance Claims Discussions

The Legislative Body, as a Member of a Joint Powers Authority, formed for purposes of insurance pooling pursuant to California Government Code § 6500 et seq., will meet in closed session to discuss claims for the payment of tort liability losses, public liability losses, or workers’ compensation liability incurred by the Joint Powers Agency or a Local Agency Member of the Authority. There are two potential Claims (California Government Code § 54956.9)

PERSONNEL MATTERS (California Government Code § 54967)

Public Employee Appointment to the Position of Finance Director


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