Viewing: c. Discussion and Potential Action to Amend City of Brawley’s Ordinance No. 2009- 03 to Include Self-Inspections for Businesses Deemed Low Hazard in the City of Brawley and Adopt City Council Resolution No. 2016- : Approving the Fire Department Fee S
CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL INVOCATION Pastor Richard Rodriquez, House of Bread Ministries PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 2. PUBLIC APPEARANCES/COMMENTS (Not to exceed 4 minutes) this is the time for the public to address the Council on any item not appearing on the agenda that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council. The Mayor will recognize you and when you come to the microphone, please state your name for the record. You are not allowed to make personal attacks on individuals or make comments which are slanderous or which may invade an individual’s personal privacy. Please direct your questions and comments to the City Council. a. Presentation of Proclamation in Honor of Rabobank’s Corporate Citizenship and Commitment to Community Service Pg 4 3. CONSENT AGENDA Items are approved by one motion. Council Members or members of the public may request consent items be considered separately at a time determined by the Mayor. a. Approve Accounts Payable: February 10, 2016 Pgs 5-19 b. Reject Claim as recommended by Carl Warren & Company Claims Management Adjusters for Claimant: Rachel Barboza Pg 33 c. Approve Letter of Support for the Calexico West Land Port of Entry (LPOE) Phase II Reconfiguration and Expansion Project Pg 34 4. REGULAR BUSINESS a. Discussion and Staff Direction re: Energy Services and Facilities Modernization Program by Siemens Industries, Inc. Building Technologies Pgs 35-59 b. Discussion and Staff Direction re: Preferred Approach to Request from Pacific West Development as it Pertains to the La Paloma Subdivision Units 1 and 2 Pgs 60-72 c. Discussion and Potential Action to Amend City of Brawley’s Ordinance No. 2009- 03 to Include Self-Inspections for Businesses Deemed Low Hazard in the City of Brawley and Adopt City Council Resolution No. 2016- : Approving the Fire Department Fee Schedule Pgs 73-83 d. Discussion and Potential Action re: the Establishment of Public Meeting Schedule for FY 2016/2017 City of Brawley Budget Process Pg 84 e. Discussion and Potential Action re: Formal Comments to U.S. Department of Transportation for Essential Air Service to Imperial County Pgs 85-129 5. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS a. Monthly Staffing Report for March, 2016 – Shirley Bonillas, Personnel & Risk Management Administrator Pg 130 6. INFORMATIONAL REPORTS a. Record of Building Permits for January 2016, Prepared by Francisco Soto, Building Official Pgs 131-132 7. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER REPORTS 8. CITY MANAGER’S REPORT 9. CITY ATTORNEY’S REPORT 10. CITY CLERK’S REPORT 11. CLOSED SESSION |
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