CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL INVOCATION Pastor Mike Necuik, El Redentor Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 2. PUBLIC APPEARANCES/COMMENTS (Not to exceed 4 minutes.) This is the time for the public to address the Council on any item not appearing on the agenda that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council. The Mayor will recognize you and when you come to the microphone, please state your name for the record. You are not allowed to make personal attacks on individuals or make comments which are slanderous or which may invade an individual’s personal privacy. Please direct your questions and comments to the City Council. 3. PUBLIC PRESENTATION a. Recognition of Brawley Jr. League Baseball Team as Inductees to the Imperial Valley Baseball Hall of Fame 4. CONSENT AGENDA Items are approved by one motion. Council Members or members of the public may request consent items be considered separately at a time determined by the Mayor. a. Approve Accounts Payable: December 3, 2015 Pp 6-19 b. Approve City Council Minutes: November 17, 2015 Pp 20-24 c. Approve Resolution No. 2015- : Resolution of the City Council of the City of Brawley, California Authorizing Investment of City Monies in Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF). Pp 25-26 d. Approve Request for Travel Greater than 500 Miles for Equipment Mechanic II to Attend the Fire Mechanics Academy April 3-8, 2016 in Sacramento, California in an Amount Not to Exceed $1,711. Pp 27-34 e. Award Project No. 2015-21 Purchase of Chemical Products for the Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants as follows: Pp 35-39 1. Univar, USA Inc. for Sodium Hypochlorine in the Amount of $72,880.00 2. Polydyne Inc. for Clariflock WE 1474 Polymer in the Amount of $35,672.00 and for Clariflock (R) C-308P Polymer in the Amount of $20,898.00 3. Kemira Water Solutions, Inc. for Ferric Sulfate in the Amount of $48,720.00 f. Authorize the Use of the Fire Apparatus During the Holiday Season for Community Organizations that Request Such Use. Pp 40 5. PUBLIC HEARING a. Hold Public Hearing for Appeal of Malan Street Apartments Parcel Map (PM 15- b. Discussion and Potential Action re: Appeal of Malan Street Apartments Parcel 6. REGULAR BUSINESS a. Discussion and Potential Action to Approve 1st Reading of Ordinance No. 2015- : Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Brawley, California Establishing a No Parking Zone on N. Rio Vista Avenue and Allowing the Movement of Traffic in a Northerly and Southerly Direction. Pp 87-89 b. Discussion and Potential Action to Approve Urgency Ordinance No. 2015- : Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Brawley, California Imposing a Temporary Moratorium on the Commercial and Industrial Cultivation, Processing and Distribution of Medical Marijuana in the City Pending the Completion of Studies and the Preparation of an Update to the City’s Zoning Ordinance. c. Discussion and Potential Action to Authorize Contract Change Order No. 1 to Specification No. 2015-03 Purchase of Fire Engine Apparatus, to Pierce Manufacturing in the amount not to exceed $52,339.11, a time extension of two weeks for completion delivery, and authorize the City Manager to execute all documentation in relation to this project. Pp 98-108 d. Discussion and Potential Action to Prepare a Letter Opposing the California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Listing of the Flat Tailed Horned Lizard as an Endangered Species. Pp 109 e. Discussion and Potential Action to Change Regular City Council Meeting Date and Time on January 19, 2016 to January 26, 2016 at 6PM 7. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 8. INFORMATIONAL REPORTS a. Attendance Summary & Minutes for City of Brawley Boards/Commissions from July 1, 2015 to December 11, 2015. 1) Brawley Planning Commission Pp 110-123 2) Brawley Public Library Board of Trustees Pp 124-135 3) Airport Advisory Commission Pp 136-140 4) Oversight Board-Successor Agency to the Brawley RDA Pp 141-145 5) Brawley Business Advisory Committee Pp 146-153 6) Brawley Parks & Recreation Commission Pg 154-159 b. Record of Building Permits for October 2015, Prepared by Francisco Soto, Building Official Pp 160-161 9. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER REPORTS 10. CITY MANAGER’S REPORT 11. TREASURER’S REPORT 12. CITY ATTORNEY’S REPORT 13. CITY CLERK’S REPORT 14. CLOSED SESSION |
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